Friday, September 4, 2015

Sherpa Takes the Headaches out of 1099 Reporting

So you drive for Uber, Sidecar, or maybe Lyft?  Got a big bunch of receipts and income data and don’t quite know what to do with it?  Or maybe you just want to enjoy the driving part of your business and spend less time doing the bookkeeping and busy work.  That my friend is where Sherpa comes in!
As any business owner, freelancer, or contractor will tell you, the proper and accurate accounting of your financial transactions is one of the most important functions that you have.  Fail to keep up with your reporting or submit inaccurate or under reported income and the IRS will be having a field day with you and your profits.  Sherpa allows seamless integration of your Lyft and Uber data into an easy to use bookkeeping platform.
Check them out at and you will see how easy it is to work them into your accounting system.  The website is user friendly and graphically inviting and the good people at Sherpa are always there to support you and your rideshare business.
They work with and are compatible with most all rideshare companies such as Uber, Sidecar, and Lyft so you know they have a solution for you.
In addition to collecting your financial data and mileage reports, Sherpa allows communication with other drivers through their app as well.

This is a powerful little program with some big capabilities.  Try it today and see if it doesn’t make your business a bit more enjoyable.

1 comment:

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